Inspect Technology
Bay Property Preservation
Home/Building Inspections & Property Preservation

Inspect Technology
Home and Building Inspection Services
What We Provide
Home inspectors conduct inspections on properties to check for compliance and assess if there are hazards or structural defects. This entails examining both the interior and exterior of the property, including infrastructure, electrical and plumbing systems, specializing in Residential Codes and Building Codes.
I will take the mystery and the unknowns out of your property purchase or property sale.

Professional Home Inspections & Property Preservations
Personalized Approach
Throughout my 20+ years of helping my clients, along with 15+ years of REO experience, I have gained the experience and expertise necessary to make the home buying process with the needed information and a complete fully detailed report meeting your home buying needs.

Professional Commercial Building Inspections & Property Preservations
Committed to Excellence
Complete and fully detailed report is provided for your commercial building inspection.

Inspect Technology
Your Local Expert Home Inspection Service
I am a member of the Housing Inspection Foundation. I am an accredited, independent Home and Building Inspector, and have been helping match the right people with the right properties since the year 2000. With my extensive experience with home and building inspections, as well as 15+ years with REO properties, I offer a full commitment to providing my clients with a full inspection report.

Member of Housing Inspection Foundation
As a member of the Housing Inspection Foundation, I adhere to the Code of Professional Ethics and Uniform Home Inspection Standards of practice.

Housing Inspection Foundation
Code of Ethics
Our Standards of Professional Conduct
This code establishes clear and ethical parameters for the Housing Inspection Foundation (HIF). Should a member violate this code of professional standards, their membership in the Housing Inspection Foundation may be suspended for a period of time, or he or she may be expelled from the Foundation.
1). Members of the Housing Inspection Foundation must conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times.
2). Members shall always act in good faith toward the client.
3). The Home Inspector shall provide a thorough and honest opinion of the structure and its contents in accordance with this Code and their professional experience.
4). The Home Inspector will not accept nor make available commissions or allowances, directly of indirectly, and will always perform as an unbiased third party.
5). Housing Inspection Foundation Members will not disclose any information regarding a home inspection without prior approval from the client
6). The Home Inspector will not use the inspection process to obtain repair or similar work on the inspected property.
7). Members of the Housing Inspection Foundation must not engage in any practice which violates the law of the land.
8).Members must respect the professional reputation of other association members.
9). The Home Inspector is responsible for alerting the client to the existence of any outside interest which may affect the client or the quality of the inspection.
10). In producing the home inspection, the Home Inspector must understand the recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible and professional inspection.
11). Members will not accept compensation , monetary or otherwise, from more than one client regarding the same service on the same property without prior consent of all interested parties.
12). The Home Inspector should always be aware of the fact that as a designated member, they represent this association, which was created to enhance the professional image of it's members and the Home Inspection industry.
13). The Home Inspector will report any violations of this Code by any member to the Housing Inspection Foundation for necessary action.
14). In those States that require licensing and certification, the Home Inspector must comply.
Value Pricing
Townhomes and Condos
Pricing begins at $285 and up depending on square footage
Home Inspections​
Pricing for homes less than 1500 square feet begin at $325​
Pricing for homes 1500-2000 square feet begin at $475-$650 (based on additional features on the property such as pool/spa, etc.)
Pricing for homes 2000 - 5000 square feet begin at $700 - $1000 (including pool/spa)
Multi-Unit Residential Inspections
Apartment buildings - flat rate $1000
Pricing for Duplex: $450
Pricing for Tri-plex: $650
Business/Commercial Building Inspections
Pricing for commercial buildings are based on square footage and lot size
For more information, please do not hesitate to call us at: 510-292-0069

Home Inspection Clause
Buy. Sell. Rent. Invest.

Confidentiality Clause
The inspection and the inspection report are performed and prepared for their sole, confidential and exclusive use. Client agrees that they will not transfer or disclose any part of the inspection report to any other person with these exceptions ONLY:
One copy may be provided to the current sellers(s) of the property but only upon the express condition that the seller(s) covenant to use the inspection report only in connection with the Client's transaction
One copy may be provided to the real estate agent representing the Client and/or bank or other lender for use in the Client's transaction only. Client agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Inspect Technology from any third party claims relating to this inspection or inspection report.

Contact Me For Your Home or Building Inspection Needs

Bay Property Preservation & Management
Property Preservation Services in Conjunction With Inspect Technology

Property Preservation Services
Exceeding Expectations
Bay Property Preservation & Management Company is here to relieve you of the tasks of clearing your inventory of estates/properties in preparation of sale, occupancy or management of unoccupied properties. As part of our specialized services, a professional home inspection is available by a certified inspector.
We are a green company that minimizes landfill dumping. Instead, we will donate contents to those in need such as the elderly and shelters.
Each property is unique and therefore, we customize our care based on the property you entrust us with
Bay Property Preservation & Management Company
serving the greater Bay Area:
Alameda County
Contra Costa County
Sonoma County
Solano County
Santa Clara County
San Francisco County

Bay Property Preservation Services
Personalized Approach
What We Can Do For You
Masonry Construction
Foundation Retaining Walls
Wooden Decks
Ring Installation
Debris removal
Hoarding contents removal
Clean out and hauling services
Professional cleaning and sanitizing
Furniture Placement for ease of movement/flow
Property Inspection Services – Full Summary Report
HOA Specialist
Pool and spa general inspections
Note presence of asbestos siding and wrapping
Occupancy verification
Secure property – locks, lockbox, boarding, etc.
Provide scope and estimate of repairs
Prepare property for sale
Cleaning/janitorial services
Safety rails installation
Assessment of Property Needs
Utility management
Monthly maintenance services
& more!

Professional Preservation Services
Committed to Excellence
We Are Here to Serve You!
Clientele Specialization
Social Services
15 years experience REO/Bank Properties
HOA Specialist
Estate Planners
Property Owners
Property Managers
With collective years of experience, we are committed to excellence and providing top-notch services with your estate properties, conserved properties, REO properties, property preservation, asset management, and properties you may need in preparation for sale.
Call us!! 1-888-369-5999b

Contact Us For Estimates!